During 2023, shoegaze-pop prodigies @theglitchyouth rapidly gained attention among the underground indie scene. Even before their debut release “vanishers” , they got picked to perform at Asta Sommerfestival and PopBoard NRW. Their sophomore single “as dark as aware” marked their ignition to get critically acclaimed, as morecore.de featured in their category “music monday: top songs of the week”. In February 2024, the glitch youth made their debut as an opening act for international headlining acts, when they played support for Michael Cera Palin from Atlanta, US.
the glitch youth are best known for their innovative blending of 90s shoegaze aesthetics with contemporary indie-pop. Their vibrant sound design consists of unconventional guitar sounds, atmospheric synths and layered vocals, which makes them suitable for festival stages, as much as for packed club shows.